Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why children do not want to practice guitar and what to do about it

One of the big deciding factors between children who succeed on guitar and those who give up is parent involvement. It is the emotional support from parents that makes this critical difference. This is especially true in the early phase. Statistically children of musical parents have a higher chance of success. A great example is Mozart whose father Leopold was himself a music teacher. But the reason is not so much because the parents are musical (which helps of course) but it is because they understand what is expected of their child at home. They understand that almost any child will not want to practice on a daily basis but that practice is necessary for their success. So how do you get your child to practice?

Firstly you don't have to be a musical parent. You just need to ensure your child practices on a daily basis.
We typically get parents saying 'She doesn't practice so we have decided to stop the lessons for now'. That is like saying 'She doesn't want to eat vegetables so we just let her eat ice cream'. Children will not want to practice because it requires concentration and effort. Their appreciation for practice will not come until 6 to 12 months of regular daily practice when they see the rewards. Until that time it is critical that parents help their child through the early phase. The teacher will map out what needs to be done and your child will know what is required so what to practice is covered.

Children are not able to see the long term benefits of practice like adults do. Working together with your child will show them that you hard with them and that you will work through it together. Try to sit down with them and help them with their practice. Especially in the early months. Over time they will need less support as they begin to reap the rewards of practice. They will eventually look forward to their practice time.

I hope this information has been helpful but please feel free to email me your questions at

David Hart - Program Director


Visit the G4GUITAR METHOD Website

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