Thursday, June 7, 2012

Do you trust your guitar teacher?

Ask yourself whether you completely trust your teacher. Are you willing to follow their plan? Do you practice exactly what they ask you to each week? Trust between you are your teacher is paramount. If you don't trust your teacher's plan speak up and tell them why so they have a chance to explain. If you are not satisfied with their reply or are afraid to speak up find another teacher. My best teachers were the ones who I trusted the most.

 Free Online Guitar Course 
Please follow the link to subscribe to our free online course. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Did you practice guitar today?

On an A4 piece of paper or bigger write the following question; "Did you practice today?" Post this question in a place where you can't miss it each day for a month. Perhaps on the fridge or bathroom mirror. Now after one month look at your practice log to see whether you have done more practice as a result. Let me know if it makes a difference.

 Free Online Guitar Course 
Please follow the link to subscribe to our free online course.