Saturday, March 21, 2009

Improving your guitar skills advice

Improving your guitar playing is not just about practice. Jamming with others is an important an often underrated part of any guitar player's program. When you jam with other guitarists and musicians you are putting what you know to the test. You will quickly determine your level of proficiency. E.g. If your timing is not spot on it will be obvious, if not to you others will notice.

Jamming also gives you a chance to learn new licks and tricks from other guitarists. Always be humble and ready to learn. If someone does something you like ask them to show you how.

Jamming is also the precursor to forming a band. You will learn teamwork, how to play your role and what makes a bank actually work. You will begin to get an idea of what you are looking for in other band members.

Jams are also a great way to network and meet even more musicians. I often hear guitarists complaining that they can't find anyone to jam with yet at the same time they make little or no effort to get out there and meet other musicians. Post a sign at a local music shop. Get a teacher (join a music school) and ask them to introduce you to other students. Just speak to people about what you do and in no time at all you will be connecting with musicians everywhere.

So get out there and jam. It's the best way to improve and stay motivated. Jump on the phone and call some one now.

If you have any questions email me.

For more information about G4GUITAR please visit our website.

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